Orange Sky supports people experiencing homelessness or hardship with access to free laundry and shower services, and the opportunity for regular connection.
Orange Sky services are open to all, regardless of circumstance and at no cost. We spend many hours having kōrero with our community and many friends tell us that homelessness is not just about their living situation but also the absence of human connection and a sense of belonging. Since the very first Orange Sky shift our service has remained an open, nonjudgmental and respectful environment to anyone experiencing hardship.
Metro & Regional Communities
We support Kiwis experiencing homelessness and hardship by providing access to free laundry, showers and connection.
Who we help
People impacted by natural disasters and emergencies
When disasters strike, we are committed to providing relief for people impacted through clean laundry, warm showers and a safe space for connection.
Natural Disasters
“I was on the streets years ago for a long time, and to have somewhere you know you can go for a shower, get your clothes washed and there is never any judgement, I think is a great thing.
Nobody looks down on you, nobody talks down on you, they just treat you like everyone else gets treated. To come and talk to people who are totally welcoming and accepting of who you are is really good and important. It is the type of glue that holds the community together.”

“Not having a solid place to live is actually quite hard, because you never know who might interrupt your location, or how you might end up for the next day. Orange Sky has helped me out quite a lot. It’s given me a place to get changed, have a shower, or even just to wash my clothes.
I reckon it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened in New Zealand.”